Monday, June 20, 2011

Fish On!

One of the benefits of being an American dad in New Zealand is that you get 2 Father's Days! And to kick off the festivities, my girl got me shiny new fishin' license. Now that the tackle box is complete, Little Man and I will shove off soon to begin exploring the nearby streams for some mid-winter trout stalking. First stop, Ashley Gorge? Fish on.

Did you know?....New Zealand has a plethora of untouched world class trout streams, not to mention the 10th longest coastline in the world, providing plenty of opportunitey for ocean anglers.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, how was Ashley Gorge?? I am still trying to untwist my tongue from the word plethora. Congratulatioins to a generation X'ER that knows how to spell. Wow, looks like I forgot my spell check. Please keep the trout stories coming and I will have one on dry ice, por favor. Grandma C
