Monday, April 11, 2011

May the Schwartzel be with you.

Woke up this morning with a mean hankerin' for some final round Master's action. I have been deprived the past few days due to a lack of cable TV and having been repeatedly denied online streaming attempts because of broadcasting rights. So wee man and I packed up and headed to the library once again (it is our Super Bowl headquarters as well) to catch the final hour of golf from Augusta. I forgot the camera to capture the moment but rest assured he was fixed on the screen in anticipation (and possibly constipation). It was a lose-lose situation for the Kiwis as the top contenders represented the staunchest rugby rivalry nations; Australia and South Africa. Oh well, back to the cave for some Mr. Mumming. Good on ya Schwartzel.

1 comment:

  1. Scott,
    This was the 2nd one I read. I really could relate to the setting in the library and it was easy to visualize you and "your little man" there. The library is very well set out and stocked. A little of everything, like New Zealand. Love, Carolyn
